Friday, January 31, 2014


I've taken to coming back for a bit. That might or might not be a good thing. For reasons I wanted to stay away, I realise in the end there's not many places to go. People have their own lives to lead. I should respect that; let them go. Not for lack of trying oh no. I have tried. At least, I think I have.

Maybe my own insecurity feeds through and people get put off by the seeming nonchalance in my tone. I always dress up my emails/smses -- and blog-posts too. But then I try to be as vague as possible so that I don't have to cater my blog-posts to any particular reader. But yea. Always a dilemma when you try playing down any potential intentions. You might overdo it.

Do I want to be heard? Perhaps. Probably. Yes.

But I will not throw my story in people's faces like some FB-status or some twitter-post. I'm not saying that these are bad, but there's always an element of "advertising" that seems to make the posts a bit exaggerated. 

I don't want to ever have to do that with my stories -- to respect the event itself; to respect the memory of it. I'll suffer cognitive dissonance at some point. I don't need to further exacerbate the forgetting process.

Perhaps I'll be back. Perhaps not. Perhaps I'll spend time talking about my potential post and without saying what happened. Today -- Sherlock Season 3 Episode 2 / also, day 1 of CNY. That should be enough artefacts for me to recall this moment.

Cheers then.


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