Tuesday, February 21, 2006


And so, I lose myself in music.

It's amazing:
How Disney can produce songs
Of utmost truth.
Life should only be as simple
As a boy in a jungle.
Love should be so pure,
Transcending looks.
We should be that stubborn,
Protecting our identity with fervour.
The bad guy must be defeated,
No matter what the cost.
These are, however, childish innocence
And must be avoided.

"Face reality, kid".

Apart from Disney,
Nothing else really makes sense.
Foolish suggestions of angst and rebellion
Come from people living in wealth and power:
How much more lies will we accept?

Perhaps, only melody matters.
Society is losing their intellect.
For thinking is a thing of society:
To think is to enslave yourself to it.
We must be different.
We must not conform.
We're just becoming lazy.
Accepting without question.
Without thought.

Society is lost.
Its end is nigh.


To bury yourself in something physical
Nothing could bring more escape than that.
Where there is a tangible end,
Single-mindedness is not difficult to attain.

The end of a song,
The finish of an art piece.
Even the completion of work.

Studying is different, though.
There are multiple ends:
One in mid-year,
Another at the end.
Oh, and one next week.

There is no incentive to push,
Especially since this is not that last lap.
To push, and then burn out
That's just stupid.

And so, I'll stride along slowly,
Knowing that others are pushing hard.
I can only hope they tire out
Soon enough for me to catch up.

What an evil thought.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

OB markers

There is a subject that I am unable to broach:

I know that I reject it.
And yet, it really does not hurt much
To fail again.
I have become used to it.

In fact, so much have I experienced,
I actually expect it.

Education's way of peer pressure
To enhance our learning
Does not affect me.
It merely adds to the hopeless-ness.

Perhaps it is someone's way of humbling me:
To shatter all pride.
Do I still have so much of it?

Ah well, that's the gist of it.
Exams are next week
But really? I do not see a point.
The harder I try,
The greater the fall of the failure.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Is it wrong to dream
Freedom of humans
Where they can be true
And not self-centred?
Where people are contented
And not money-hungry?

Is it wrong to try
To achieve
The discipline of soldiers
But the simpllicity of a child?

Is it wrong to fantasise
Of true love:
A pure, spiritual attraction
Between man and woman?

Is it wrong to hope
For friends to be concerned
And in turn be supported?
To be without competition?

We can believe whatever we want,
I guess.
But, to want such things,
It seems too dangerous.

When you fall off a bike
And people come to help,
It seems possible:
The reality of this dream.

When you drop some money
And people return it to you
On initiative:
You believe in the human spirit.

But so often, when you take transport:
A public one.
You see the ugly side of humans.
A teen gives up her seat to an elderly:
In struts another middle-aged woman
Up to the seat.
She stands in front of it and asks the elderly
Does she want the seat?
That middle-aged woman had the seat in the end.
I, as did the youth, stared.
A seat is free.
A young boy walks toward it.
A lady spots it too.
A quick shuffle of feet, and she moves.
Amazing, considering her old age.
At one glance, it was clear the boy did not see the old lady.
A moment more, and the boy would have had the seat.
A quick lunge by the lady held the boy back --
A heavy fling sent the boy into a slight stumble --
As she herself squeezed into the seat.
Almost immediately, she switches into nothing-has-happened mode:
A skill almost all Singaporeans are adept in.
And the boy stares.

I think it is not the "young people nowadays"
That have lost morals.
Yes, youths are more open
To previously taboo stuff.
And, as always, there are the deviants.

Youths have not lost it:
Our curiosity is merely greater
With so much development:
Media advances propagates stories.
I trust that our ancestors, too, had such a desire.
If not for the lack of knowledge
And so many "immoral mediums,"
I trust there would have been
No difference.
It is thus not "today's youths" --
It is youths as an age group that should be referred to.

I thank the parents for placing so much restrictions in place
So that desire rarely becomes action.
But does the desire constitute immorality?
But is it any difference?
Is there heightened immorality with our generation?
I don't think so.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


There is a certain abandon in camping.
To stay away from society,
Even if for a few days.

A fantastical abandon it is --
To be free.
To have private time.

Even if for a few days,
Camping has its releasing effect:
It refreshes

For when we camp,
We rely upon ourselves:
The fruits of one's labour are ever so sweet.

To relive the ways our early ancestors lived
We feel a certain unity:
The same splendour of visiting a museum.

And if there are friends,
You leave camp
As closer friends

For now,
You rely
Upon each other.

And even all this
Does no justice to camping.
Camping is lovely.

Monday, February 06, 2006


"What you see is what you get." These are famous words used to suggest honest exchange. Perhaps, it is these very same words that can be used to suggest the entire framework of society. At least, that is what I believe. In many past posts, I have attempted to be able to discuss at length the loss of humanity and individuality because of society.

Taking all these into account, it becomes clear that what society is is merely a perception. As some famous men, Hobbes and company, once mentioned, we voluntarily subject ourselves to a higher authority -- in so doing, letting ourselves adopt their ideologies. Of course, different people would then subscribe to different ideologies. And yet, it is upon these vastly different mindsets that society was built upon.

Is it, however, possible that this created a balanced society, one where all the differences cancelled out to give an objective one? Perhaps. Perhaps not. We would never know, because we, being humans that need a sense of identity, look into the world through tinted lenses.

Yet, despite affirming the beliefs of your authority, you must know that others have their different authorities too. The views that collate would include a utopia and a self-destructive reign: these are only 2 of many, infinite views. In realising the core equilibrium point -- the point where all the different tinted glasses blend together to form a clear white -- we would have to remove all subjective views; we would have to block out personal predictions and judgements.

When that is done, or being done, it will begin to be clear that the world has very little absolutes. There is really no hard fact that anyone can fall back upon when in doubt. Everything is intangible. Everything is subjective, unreal.