Sunday, September 25, 2005


Just Leave Me Alone
To Write a Haiku of Mine
Five, Seven, then Five.
Is that per stanza?
Otherwise, there'd be no space.
Must I work with that?
Mean more with less words:
That's what a haiku demands.
And is it's beauty.
Too many rules but
Within, there is much freedom.
Like society,
Do you not agree?
Innovate, they say. Venture
But remember: Law.
Play. Have fun. Enjoy.
But suspicious articles
Must be looked out for.
Vibrant, dynamic
Youths. But only after school.
Young has become old.
This is my country.
This is my flag: Lost and drowned?

Now, where had I been?
Oh, yes. About my haiku,
How do I proceed?

Simple? Difficult?
I lack the required skill
What should my tone be?

Let myself conform?
Or search for new expression?
No, impossible:

I have learnt from school --
Following proven methods
Will never go wrong.

Now, wrong is a sin.
A red, ugly cross results.
I cannot risk wrong.

But again, I stray.
What can I try for haiku-s?
That strikes a balance?

I just remembered
My friend telling me before
About his haiku:

"This is my haiku.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
This is my haiku."

Simple, safely too,
It evokes a happiness.
That is encouraged.

An ignorant bliss.
That promotes concession and
not disunity.

Question tradition
Government closes one eye.
But keep them above.

Turn VS co-ed
Equality of females.
Just don't question them.

A simple haiku
Provoking not government.
Safe from censorship

I shall use it too.
Keep me safe from government.
That is common sense.

"This is his haiku
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
This is his haiku"

Monday, September 12, 2005


The cool of the rain as it falls upon skin

The moulding images as rain flows down the window

The entrancing rhythm of soft footfalls as rain touch down

The loss of inhibitions as the rain drenches, drowning status

The camaraderie as we stand bare, wearing no mask

The bright flashes of a celestial paparazzi

The enormous bangs of response

Such is the magic of rain.