Sunday, September 25, 2005


Just Leave Me Alone
To Write a Haiku of Mine
Five, Seven, then Five.
Is that per stanza?
Otherwise, there'd be no space.
Must I work with that?
Mean more with less words:
That's what a haiku demands.
And is it's beauty.
Too many rules but
Within, there is much freedom.
Like society,
Do you not agree?
Innovate, they say. Venture
But remember: Law.
Play. Have fun. Enjoy.
But suspicious articles
Must be looked out for.
Vibrant, dynamic
Youths. But only after school.
Young has become old.
This is my country.
This is my flag: Lost and drowned?

Now, where had I been?
Oh, yes. About my haiku,
How do I proceed?

Simple? Difficult?
I lack the required skill
What should my tone be?

Let myself conform?
Or search for new expression?
No, impossible:

I have learnt from school --
Following proven methods
Will never go wrong.

Now, wrong is a sin.
A red, ugly cross results.
I cannot risk wrong.

But again, I stray.
What can I try for haiku-s?
That strikes a balance?

I just remembered
My friend telling me before
About his haiku:

"This is my haiku.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
This is my haiku."

Simple, safely too,
It evokes a happiness.
That is encouraged.

An ignorant bliss.
That promotes concession and
not disunity.

Question tradition
Government closes one eye.
But keep them above.

Turn VS co-ed
Equality of females.
Just don't question them.

A simple haiku
Provoking not government.
Safe from censorship

I shall use it too.
Keep me safe from government.
That is common sense.

"This is his haiku
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
This is his haiku"


At 10:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! very interesting haikus!
Hey this is the first time i've read a complex poem made up of many haikus. Great work!


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