Monday, September 08, 2014


It is actually at a point whereby that has become such a challenging word to say...

It seems to suggest a brand new start; the beginning of new stories. It comes after a completed "goodbye" and yet, we don't often say that these days. 
And I wonder sometimes if the "goodbye"-less end is meant to make it impossible for another "hello" again. 

What if the best thing for your friend is for you to stay out of his/her life? And the long silences often are that way of gently telling? Would you do such a thing if that were truly the case?

You see, I imagine that sacrifice often has 2 extremes--1) Giving even beyond what you yourself can sustain; and 2) Staying away. The former is often tagged with sentiments of heroism, but the latter does not really differ in how much hurt it can cause. The latter implies the following: 

- To stay away even when you do not want to.
- To be backstage and not even get a mention in the programme booklet.
- To quietly hang on; never knowing if he/she even knows that you're there.
- To mean nothing to him/her, basically.

And yet, if you would not do even this for him/her, aren't you then befriending someone only unto yourself? Doesn't that make it transactory; perhaps even mercenaric?

It's challenging to discern that line though. A "hello" can sometimes be that assay. It is that moment you call out and wait to see if you ever get a reply. A single word that can revive a friendship. Or it can also place a full-stop to permanently end that story. A word that is meant as a start, but can often also be an end. And oh what a painful, abrupt end...

So hello, you. It means a lot to me that there is someone out there who can note the more challenging bits of my life. I do appreciate that there is even someone willing to read on. Thank you.


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