Thursday, January 12, 2006


Have you ever felt like being true to yourself?
Yet when you look, there is no pure "you".
There only remains someone foreign.
Someone changed by circumstances in life.
Changed from their true self.

You search deeper still,
And find that the only "you" left
Is skin-deep.
For what is within has been transformed:

Have you ever had dreams
That start at the place where you slept?
Such that reality and dream
Becomes blurred into a confused mess.
All that tossing and turning:
Is that too a dream?
The distinction is smudged.

Have you ever faced
Conflicting knowledge?
You have to un-learn and re-learn
At each new level of education achieved.
What is true? More and more,
I do not know.

If you have,
Then welcome.


At 8:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, didn't know you blogged either, linked in from carboxymoron... Haha if not for reading further, I'd have thought you blogged solely in verse.


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