Monday, February 09, 2009

090209 / 2336

That such a streak of evil still resides within me -- I am disgusted with myself.

I wonder, if I died,
Whether people would cry out of sheer courtesy;
Or if they would even bother.

Perhaps the world would shine brighter.
Perhaps people would be happier.
For they no longer have to pretend to be friendly with me.

If I were not, would it matter?


At 11:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you that if you died tonight,
as your tale I start to indite
people would mourn with no delight,

"Young and fit and still full of fight.
Still has ahead the rest of his life."
I'll tell you that if you died tonight,

The world would seem to have no light,
the sun stabbed through as with a knife,
people would mourn with no delight.

"I cannot say I have His sight
but why does this our God doth contrive?",
I'll tell you that if you died tonight.

Life would never ever excite;
A marching band without a fife.
People would mourn with no delight.

So my dear friend you aren't always right
and pray feel not at all contrite.
I'll tell you that if you died tonight,
people would mourn with no delight.


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