Tuesday, March 11, 2008

When I grow up...

When I grow up, I want to improve the lives of people.

Nothing else matters. When you move on from this world, all that will be left are the memories of you. All the money in the world and all the success you can attain do not change this fact. In fact, a very real measure of success has often been touted to be the number of tears shed as you leave the world. Ultimately, there is no greater achievement than having improved the lives of the people around you. There is no act more deserving of admiration than the sacrifice of your luxury for another. And in the end, there is no sweeter eulogy than the praise accorded your actions. Nothing else truly matters.

And if even one person's life has been touched, it will be enough. For one true friend is worth more than a million acquaintances. One true friend is already more than most people can truly stake claim to.

When I grow up, I want to fall in love.

I want to be caught up in unwavering passion.
A desire that melts the hearts of two lovers, fusing them into one.
An eternal longing for each other that can never be satiated.
A love that leaves me with no other wants.
If even for a brief moment...


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